Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Seller Fails In Its Attempt To Restrict Sales In Israeli West Bank Settlement

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

Ben & Jerry’s failed in its bid to stop Unilever, the parent business, from selling its ice cream in West Bank settlements, which the US company claimed would go against its core principles. After London-based Unilever said it had sold its part in the ice cream to an Israeli license holder, the business, which is well-known for its political activism, took the rare step of requesting an injunction.

But on Monday, a US federal judge found that the ice cream company had “failed to demonstrate” that the decision to sell the products in the Israeli-occupied settlements had caused it “irreparable harm.”

Ben & Jerry’s Stated In July

Israel took the Palestinian territories in 1967, and Vermont-based Ben & Jerry’s stated in July of last year that it would no longer sell its ice cream there because it was “inconsistent with our principles,” but it said it would continue to do so in Israel.

Israeli License Holder

Avi Zinger, the Israeli license holder, had gone against the company’s decision and continued to make the ice cream in his facility in the Tel Aviv suburbs and supply it to the Israeli settlements. Jewish settlers numbering in the hundreds of thousands reside in settlements largely recognized as illegal under international law in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

On July 5, Ben & Jerry’s asked for the separation of any agreements authorizing the sale or distribution of its products in the West Bank and the referral of any future similar transactions for approval by its board of directors.

According to the complaint, Unilever’s decision “taken without the authorization of Ben & Jerry’s Independent Board” and violated the merger agreement. However, which gave the board the authority to preserve the founder’s principles and reputation.

Judge Andrew Carter Jr. Of The US District Court

Judge Andrew Carter Jr. of the US District Court in Manhattan disagreed, saying it “too speculative” to think that the company messaging may be compromised or that customers might be confused by its guiding principles. However, Ben & Jerry’s is an American ice cream company that founded in 1978. It well recognized for supporting progressive causes, such as the protection of the environment and promoting human rights.