New Battery Technology 2022

Technology has grown a lot in the past few years. The world is shaping toward a more technologically reliant future. However, to run each and every sector of the world on technology, the world needs batteries. 

Batteries are needed by almost every household, office, or factory. Although we need them in the cleanest and most renewable way possible. The energy-storage batteries we use nowadays are powered by lithium-ion. Nonetheless, these three new battery technologies are said to be the future of batteries. 


A battery is a pack of cells and each cell has a positive electrode and a negative electrode. The usage of different chemicals certainly affects the quality of a battery. For instance, how much energy can a battery store and provide? 

Companies that produce batteries are continuously trying to invent cheaper, lighter, and denser chemical methods in order to create more powerful batteries. 

Lithium-Ion Batteries

In batteries powered by lithium-ion, energy storage, and output is provided by the movement of lithium ions from the positive to negative electrodes through the electrolyte. In these batteries, the positive electrode acts as the main source of lithium-ion and the negative electrode is a lighter source.

Lots of tests are going on these sorts of batteries to further enhance their energy storage capacity. The new methods will allow these batteries to store more lithium-ions than ever. However, these new methods will require some limited or scarce resources and that can be the only major drawback. 

Lithium-Sulfur Batteries 

In lithium-ion batteries, the li-ions are stored in moving materials pretending to the stable host structures whenever we charge or discharge. However, in lithium-sulfur batteries, there’s no such thing as host structures.

Whilst discharge, the lithium anode is fully consumed and sulfur drifts away to transform into chemical compounds. Whilst charging, the process is fully reversed. Although it must be known that lithium-sulfur batteries use very light materials. Sulfur is used in the positive electrode and metallic lithium in the negative electrode. This gives it more density in the energy department. 

Solid State Batteries

A solid-state battery is a battery technology that uses solid electrodes and a solid electrolyte, instead of the liquid or polymer gel electrolytes found in lithium-ion. This is a rather old concept but due to the immense growth in research and development new solid electrolytes have been discovered. They are also highly ionic in conductivity and hence the technological barrier can be overcome easily. Solid electrolytes are also non-inflammable when heated.