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Worlds Together Worlds Apart As A History Textbook

The compelling chronological framework for world history is provided by Worlds Together, Worlds Apart. Each chapter is framed by a global story, making the thousands of years of history less intimidating for both students and teachers. Jeremy Adelman and Elizabeth Pollard, two new lead authors and accomplished teachers distill cutting-edge scholarship with an emphasis on beginning students. It is the most effective teaching resource for global history because it helps students draw comparisons. And connections between the narrative, primary sources, pictures, maps, and information in the text and online resources.

Is This A Good Option For A History Textbook?

As abold step forward from earlier textbooks, Worlds Together, Worlds Apart promises its readers to “expand the horizons of world history textbooks.” These statements are true. First, the text breaks with conventional world history chronologies by beginning with the “pax mongolica” rather than with Columbus’ explorations. Second, compared to many contemporary texts, it does a commendable job of developing a new narrative that is significantly less reliant on earlier narratives of “western civilization.” The competition and relationships between the major cultures of East and South Asia, Africa, Europe, and Northern. Or Central and Southern America discussed in chapters 1 through 9, while chapters 10 through 12 from 1910 to the present focus on global phenomena.

Worlds Together Worlds Apart

Worlds Together, Worlds Apart Is A Good Textbook

Even Oceania and North American Indians receive a fair amount of attention in the text. The story diverges significantly from earlier interpretations of world history. That might be characterized as “Western Civilization Plus” or, less charitably, as “Eurocentric.” Additionally, it successfully maintains narrative coherence both within and between each chapter. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart is a good textbook option for those of us who teach world history separately from western history.

In keeping with teaching preferences, the textbook is longer on social, intellectual, and economic history and shorter on political history. One-page inserts in the textbook introduce fascinating snapshots of world history. These introduce topics like the connection between the French Revolution and the Haitian independence movement. The rapid globalization of coffee consumption and coffee shops. Or the transformation of samba music and dance from its roots in Rio de Janeiro’s ghettos to a mass cultural phenomenon and political movement. Each insert represents a potential area of study for students. Numerous maps included throughout the text, and each map has several questions attached. The book’s inclusion of map exercises is beneficial for students.

The text’s conciseness is one of its best qualities. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart is short enough at just under 450 pages to be divided into four distinct works. A monograph, two novels, and a collection of poetry. It makes students able to read all of the complete works. And integrate information from the textbook into brief papers about them. Students can feel secure in “Worlds Together, Worlds Apart’s” readability or comprehension. What’s more, reading this book will be the most enjoyable part of your day rather than a chore.

This eulogy of praise shouldn’t interpreted as a declaration of Worlds Together, Worlds Apart perfection. If the chronologies arranged the cultures in opposition to one another on a timeline, they would be more beneficial. However, having a coherent shorter narrative outweighs this drawback. Overall, the history textbook well-equipped, well-balanced, and a good choice.